Principles of a Free Society

In a truly free society there are a few principles we should live by. These truths have become very evident in the recent years on interventionism by the U.S. government in policies, laws and the policing of the world. I guess it doesn’t surprise me that they are not clear to the masses due to the extreme conditioning we citizens have gone through since our childhood.

If these simple principles were at the forefront of our political beliefs we would see prosperous longevity in our economy and in our happiness as a whole. And as opposed to many other attempts at sound policy these principles cost the country absolutely nothing. I wish to outline these principles.

As a government we should refrain from forcing issues upon others because with every force there is a counterforce. Nor should we defeat enemies by force of arms for even when violent actions are well intentioned at first these actions always rebound on ourselves. This has been evident in recent years with our various entanglements with the Middle East. It does no one good economically nor does it any good for national prosperity.

In dealing with the issue of violence it should be of only the last possible resort for survival. In victory over the enemy we shouldn’t rejoice and declare victory as a triumph but instead with our heads held low in despair. While yes we may have found ourselves in a situation with only one option of survival we shouldn’t be proud of our victory because then we are also proud of the confrontation. This is a sign of men hungry for power. (more…)

Election Year Money Printing Scheme Courtesy The FED

Well it’s that time again. The temperatures are dropping, the kids are back in school, and the smell of bullshit is in the air. The bullshit and time of year I speak of is none other than presidential election time with false positive economic signs to boot. The tactic is what has become an unfortunately recurring one from the Federal Reserve. Ben Bernanke is at it again printing more money we don’t have to boost the economy. Of course though it doesn’t boost the economy it only drowns it more. He seriously cannot be this foolish to believe printing more money will positively boost the economy.

At one time in my life I believed Bernanke and predecessor Greenspan to be ignorant and overly optimistic of the Fed’s role in economics. But I have found I was being too friendly and rather overly optimistic myself. Here again just in time to artificially boost the economy to help Obama win re-election. (I wonder what deals Bernanke received in exchange for future Fed criminal disasters).

QE3 is the name of this new round of money printing. What can we do to prevent it from happening one might ask. Well I’m positive we can’t stop this round but we can spread the news that we know what’s going on and we won’t be fooled so easily. We can and should contact our congressman with our opposition to QE3 to let it be known. Spread the word! Printing money does not work and never has worked in the past!

Religious Extremists Strike Again! Free Alber Saber!

“Separation of church and state”. It’s astonishing how such beautiful and few words can be viewed so complicatedly. In the United States our original plan as opposed to what many American’s (the U.S.) swear otherwise, was to be a nation free of religious persecution and free of religious power within our government. This is true in the United States and is one of our greatest policies. Even though we true liberty movers face ridiculous opposition from the religious institutions here in the United States, it is not near as bad as almost everywhere else in the world. While our only real reason for having religion lobbying in our government successfully is due to pandering to voters and financial gain for the elected officials. With us it comes down to the money and position in office.

With other countries like Egypt it’s a bit more than just politics. I honestly believe that they actually believe in their religion and desire to rule in accordance with it. Why else would a free thinking blogger and spreader of atheist and secular ideology be imprisoned for such free thinking and acting behavior? His name is Alber Saber, a victim of a totalitarian government devoted to the beliefs of Islam. His association with a Facebook page for atheists caused neighbors and an angry Islamic mob to form at his house threatening him. The police showed up not to help him but to arrest him for the crime of insulting Islam. (more…)

Gary Johnson At PAUL FESTIVAL 2012 Tampa, FLA

Two fellow liberty movement members and I travelled across country to attend the Paul Festival and Ron Paul rally in Tampa, FLA this year. It was a pleasant experience driving about 4,600 miles round trip. I feel proud to know there are no limits to my participation in the liberty movement.

Among other speakers at the Paul Festival was my candidate for president Gary Johnson. It was an absolute pleasure to record his speech and an even more powerful pleasure to meet him. I’m not one for bothering people I like so when I approached him I was attempting to simply quickly have a picture taken of us but Gary wanted more, he wanted to speak to me and everyone that approached him. Looking straight in my eyes and reaching out his hand it seemed as though he was giving me his undivided attention which forced me to speak more than I had originally planned. It was a pleasant meeting and further solidified my desire to vote for him in this coming 2012 presidential election. (more…)

Pussy Riot Behind Bars

Throughout the 1970’s and into the 1980’s the United States used a unique form of warfare agains the Soviet Union. The United States still does this today with Iran but with a little less taste and more as an attempt to enrage them. I’m not sure where I stand on the social attacks towards Iran but with the Soviets I found it to be quite effective and enlightening. I of course am referring to using the images of a “free” Western civilization to encourage and educate the oppressed. We did it with disco, we did it with punk rock and the kids loved it.

Now a few decades later I among many others find myself flabbergasted and appalled by the recent civil rights attack from the Russian judicial system agains the Russian punk band Pussy Riot. In Vice magazine there was a very good interview with the members about what took place. Please click here for the full interview. (more…)

Why Young Adults Should Not Be Encouraged To Vote

The title pretty much says it all. Any Libertarian minded reader probably knows what I’m going to write about here. How the youth are stupid and mess the election process up by visiting the polls. Sure there is much truth behind this. We all know that when you’re young and don’t pay taxes (therefore not yet really living in the real horrible world the rest of us live in) you tend to lean left speaking loudly about policies to solve problems we all know later in life are unsolvable by policies. It’s easy to desire higher taxes when you haven’t worked yet and are heavily exposed to the views of tenured professors (who also don’t live in the real world). I remember once Johnny Ramone of the Ramones once said (not an exact quote) that as we get older we tend to lean more right because we realize how the real world really works.

So when Bill Clinton was desperately (and rather somewhat successfully) trying to appeal to the youth by being cool with his saxophone (there’s nothing cooler than a white guy with a saxophone) on MTV, he knew what he was doing. He was right to do it too. The youth will lean left because it is cooler. It is more romantic to protest and fight against global warming. It is more romantic to view life from a socialist point of view. It is no doubt more romantic but unrealistic. Taxes aren’t romantic nor are they interesting. Taxes are a boring subject along with all other economic-based subjects. But they are the most real issues affecting your life. Reality is most of the time unromantic. It’s just the way it is. All of us who have been in long-term relationships know that after the initial two weeks to a month that the romantic fire starts to dim. Sure there is still much romance and splendor but not as much as there was in the courting process. We now start to see flaws as they reveal themselves. If these flaws are not too pressing and we can learn to live with or love them then we can hold on to the romance longer. This is the same with real life. Once you’re finished with school and have the pressing realities of life pushed onto you things change. Suddenly all these liberal ideologies seem to not be as of much importance as paying your bills on time, even if you’re fortunate enough to have a job in the career you studied and paid so much for.

So revving up the youth to vote for policies and leaders that raise taxes and advocate socialist ideals is a scary thing for the rest of us who have to live in the real economy (reality). Now don’t get me wrong, there are many romantic wonderful things about the real world. It just would be nice to be able to seek these wonderful things without the weighing pressures of a bad economy on our minds. (more…)

Peace On Earth

World peace, everyone and their mothers, even grandmothers from the dawn of Miss America pageants have been wishing for world peace. What does this mean? Is it attainable? Do you really want to know? Do you really want it or are you too jaded now?

I can’t answer the last question but I can safely bet there are many of us whom are jaded. Looking at the roots behind the various wars in our history, do you think we can do with out them? Of course we can. One great tactic to get to the truth of things is to remove its mask. Once we do that it’s naked and seems like a waste of energy, money, and lives. I’m not going to go on an anti-war rant here today, although I could very well do so. However I will answer the first two questions from the paragraph above. First, What does this mean? World peace is it subjective? In a few ways it is subjective. People define it as unrelenting peace and love for one another. This definition is much harder to achieve due to it’s constant coming back to science (neuroscience) dealing with human behavior. Another more realistic definition due to our painful human condition is that it’s a life where we are protected from harm while we have all the rights to decide on how we want to live our lives, how we wish to earn a living, how we raise our children and love our spouses, to not have our earnings taken from us from a centralized organization for the claims of the greater good (save law enforcement, schools, and a few other operations that provide a safe existence to protect us from the evil side of the aforementioned human condition), and to be given the option to decide on how successful or unsuccessful we can be with our life choices. (more…)