Ron Paul Rally Tampa, Florida 26th August 2012

On my travels to Tampa last weekend a lot of thoughts ran around my head. I am a Libertarian and I know this very well, but I wanted to see how other Libertarians and Libertarian leaning Republicans behave and respond to the many questions and attacks Libertarians undergo. I found that Libertarians are a rather diverse group which in essence is what being a Libertarian is all about, individuality and the rights thereof. Some of us are keen on science while others are more keen on religion. This is a big dividing factor between most of us in this party. I myself am an atheist an anarchist and a strong advocate for evolution. While many others still believe in a god of some sort. This causes a rift between the pro-choice and pro-life individuals among us. This being said we are all in favor of individual liberty, little or no government, a strong desire to end the Federal Reserve, very similar if not exact views on foreign affairs (especially dealing with war and military spending), and we all seem to love Ron Paul.

The Paul Fest was an excellent experience for the lot of us, I’m sure most attendees would agree, but the bigger event was the Ron Paul rally at the University of South Florida Sun Dome, which took place on Sunday August 26th 2012 in Tampa, Florida. At the rally we saw many esteemed speakers from the likes of the highly influential Lew Rockwell, Barry Goldwater Jr., and many others along with a couple musical performances. (more…)

Gary Johnson At PAUL FESTIVAL 2012 Tampa, FLA

Two fellow liberty movement members and I travelled across country to attend the Paul Festival and Ron Paul rally in Tampa, FLA this year. It was a pleasant experience driving about 4,600 miles round trip. I feel proud to know there are no limits to my participation in the liberty movement.

Among other speakers at the Paul Festival was my candidate for president Gary Johnson. It was an absolute pleasure to record his speech and an even more powerful pleasure to meet him. I’m not one for bothering people I like so when I approached him I was attempting to simply quickly have a picture taken of us but Gary wanted more, he wanted to speak to me and everyone that approached him. Looking straight in my eyes and reaching out his hand it seemed as though he was giving me his undivided attention which forced me to speak more than I had originally planned. It was a pleasant meeting and further solidified my desire to vote for him in this coming 2012 presidential election. (more…)